Dog's Window Brewery

How did this Bridgend brewery start?

Dog's Window Brewery has grown from the enjoyment and passion of good beer.

As a social occasion, three friends would get together and sample various homebrews.

The conversation would often lead to "You should sell this stuff it's really good" and

"If this was on the shelf in a shop I'd buy it"

The comments were jokingly laughed off with a reply of "Yeah maybe one day"

Well that "one day" came when I thought, why not? I certainly wouldn't be the first.

So Dog's Window progressed from homebrew to what you see today.

What makes Dog's Window special?

We are a small scale microbrewery, which allows us to concentrate more on quality than quantity.

Hops are re-sealed with a vacuum sealer after use and kept in a freezer for freshness.

It also allows us to design new beers without worrying about securing huge amounts of ingredients.

Where did the name "Dog's Window" come from?

I have a crazy Jack Russell called Bo who was adopted from dogs trust. He is a great character that makes everyone smile that meets him.

His favourite place is sunbathing on my lounge windowsill watching the world go by. As you may have guessed he the inspiration our logo too.

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