Good Chemistry Brewing

Good Chemistry Brewing think life’s too short not to enjoy what you do, so they decided to brew. First and foremost we brew beer for you to enjoy. But we also think the art and science of brewing is fascinating so we’re going to share that with you.

We’re interested in creating good chemistry in its broadest sense – not just in the quality of the beer we brew, but using that to allow us to celebrate community and relationships across science, the arts, music, food, and social experiences, as well as beer & brewing. We might be biased, but we think Bristol is one of the best cities in the UK, and we’ll shout about that as much as we can.

The brewery was started by Bob and Kelly in 2015, finding a home for the 10 barrel kit in St Philips in East Bristol. Our team now comprises Dan, originally brought in to run the brewery tap in April 2018 and now responsible for social media and design work as well, head of engineering Liam who also does our deliveries and packaging, and newest recruit Amber, pounding the streets of Bristol and beyond looking after all our great customers and chasing new business. We pay a living wage. All our beers are unfined and unfiltered, so naturally hazy and suitable for vegans.

It’s important to us to be open, accessible and inclusive, and ensure thoughtfulness and quality in everything we do. We also want to have FUN doing this, and we want you along for the ride!

Our brewery tap in Bristol is open Fridays and Saturdays between April and September so if you can join us to try the beer at source, we’d love to see you. We also opened our first pub, The Good Measure in Redland, just before Christmas 2018 where you’re able to try our best, newest, freshest and one-off beers. We look forward to seeing you – cheers!


Bob’s a bit of a beer geek. He wasn’t always like that – homebrewing is to blame. In fact, he spent years doing temp jobs just to fund his brewing experiments before finally going for a job at Great Western Brewing. His application? Some bottles of his homebrew. Needless to say, they hired him on the spot. After GWB, Bob worked for the renowned Wiper & True where he put his excellent taste to good work. Bob enjoys making big, hoppy beers but is also looking forward to introducing you to some more under-represented styles.

Whatever he is brewing, music plays a big role in the process. Soul, Electro, Disco and steel drums covers of Barry Manilow classics will all feature on the brewery stereo.

When not at the brewery, you’ll find Bob: homebrewing, reading brewing books, listening to brewing podcasts, or watching rugby (Wales, in case you were wondering).

At the brewery, you’ll find Bob: hidden in his lab doing science, cleaning big shiny things, plotting the path of our future brew schedule, and, of course, brewing our beers.


Kelly’s got a brain for business. It comes from her entrepreneurial parents and led her to create dynamic, innovative ventures such as summer favourite The Festival Elderflower Company (perfect for when you’ve had too much beer).

Brewing is a new one for Kelly though, and she’s having fun learning beer under Bob’s guidance. Studying the styles, learning the language and getting insight into the industry to ensure Good Chemistry has great business practices as well as great tasting beers.

When not at the brewery, you’ll find Kelly: cycling up and down Gloucester Road, or at festivals in the summer months and pubs with bands the rest of the year.

At the brewery, you’ll find Kelly: elbow-deep in spreadsheets, planning the many and varied events we love putting on, ensuring our teams both at the brewery and the pub are happy, and, of course, brewing our beers.

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